Sunday, April 5, 2009

Theory Two, Arguement Three

Moving onto the second verse of the song, I see quite a bit of interesting ones. Now that I start to think about it, this song could be either about his mother or his family in general. This song provides alot of good lines to try and prove both of the theories. Tupac states in the second verse, "They say I'm wrong and I'm heartless, but all along I was lookin for a father he was gone." When he says I was lookin for a father he was gone, does he mean gone as in passed away, or gone as in left him and his family to live and take care of themselves on their own? Its very hard to say for sure what exactly he means, but we can assume can't we? From other lines in the song, it's obvious that he never really knew his father well, so we can assume that since he was never there for Tupac, he could no longer show love and compassion for his father who had kicked him and his family to the curb. Without a father, the amount of emotional and mental stress that would occur to any child would be devastating. I would not be able to handle that kind of situation. Asides from that, the second verse does not offer any more evidence to prove my second theory.

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