Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Theory one, arguement one

I believe Tupac wrote this song in order to express the amount of appreciation he had for his mother. It seems that he grew up living a tough life. Living in the ghetto he also had no father, and was taken care of by his mom, who not only had to take care of him but also his little sister. At the same time she had to work, making things even tougher. He apologizes for causing his mom a lot of trouble throughout his childhood and teenage years. He wishes that he would've treated her differently from the beginning. In the song he says that there ain't a woman alive who can take his mothers place. This must go to show how much he cares for her. Tupac also apologizes for how he acted as a kid. Selling drugs in order to pay for rent and live comfortably. He hopes that his mother can understand this and forgive him for all that he has done.


  1. I like the way that you gave background facts to further elaborate on the meaning of Tupac's song. I do feel that it would help your argument if you used actual lines from the song when you give examples. The background detail truly does help someone who may never have heard this song understand Tupac and his reasoning for this song.

  2. I wrote almost the same thing. I totally agree with this theory. We bascially think the same about this song. You proved your point very well. Good job.
