Sunday, March 22, 2009

Theory One, Arguement Two

Asides from the overall explanation of the song, "Dear Mama" can be broken down into seperate verses for interpretation. This allows for easier understanding of the song and its meaning. In verse one of the song, Tupac Shakur states that "I reminice on the stress I caused, it was hell, Huggin on my mama from a jail cell." I believe he is truly sorry he ever commited such acts to end up where he was. Maybe from selling drugs to doing anything else in order to get money, he is glad that it will be able to help him and his mother out. And even though it caused his mother alot of pain to see him in those conditions, she was glad that her son was willing to help her out in any way possible. The reality that his mother was a crack addict throughout that period of time did not change Tupac's love and appreciation for his mother. He still would struggle to put money and food on their plates since his mother was not fully capable of doing so.
Also stated in the first verse was "A poor single mother on welfare, tell me how ya did it,There's no way I can pay you back, But the plan is to show you that I understand" This sums up the entire first theory and first verse. Tupac realizes that he can never pay his mother back financially for all the things she has done for him. So in order to show that he appreciates her not only for her money, he tries to provide her with materials like food.

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